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Season 4, Episode 21: #EHSCareerMonth2022

Where will your path lead? 

Emmaus High School Counselor Mrs. Grim gives us all the important information to assist students, staff and parents on the road to answering that  question as we kick off March Career Month. She assists everyone in where to go to find the calendar of speakers, biographies on each presenter, and how to sign up through Naviance to attend the sessions. She also talks about the importance of taking the time to learn about things that interest and excite students while gaining those foundational skills that are important in any job.

During the month of March, in addition to wearing the green career readiness t-shirt, the 9th Grade Experience will feature different members of our local community talking about their own careers and the things our students can do to prepare themselves to enter a particular field. 

Please check out the links below for more information for Career Month and other Career-related activities here at EHS

Calendar of Speakers (

Speaker Biographies (

Career Readiness Requirements (

Special thanks to Eli Heckman, Class of 2025, for providing the intro and outro music for today's episode!